Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday Darts, Week 1 Winter 2012 Season (!-17-12)

Final Score: Geek & Son 1, Bullsit 6. Rob and Woody make up this team and it was so much fun to shoot against them. A big THANK YOU goes out to AV Amber for chalking for us, that was so kind of her.

Even with the off season practice, we still need more. We need to improve on closing as if I did close when I should, the score would be a lot different.

Greg was throwing good darts, but all to the right, but he knew that. Me, I was strong on the bulls.

The Honor Roll had me with a Ton-22 and a 3x2. Rob had a Ton-35 and Woody had a 3x3.

Code: BG0230000

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