Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dart sub week ?

We lost 1-6 but had fun.

I know this blog isn't much but we were a person short but relaxed and had a ball.

Julien won his match and we lost the rest. He had a 3c2 and 4x3 so big deal.

We relaxed, had fun throwing darts and I got out of the house.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday Darts, Week 9 8-2-12

Final Score: Here for the Beer 1, Are We Having Fun Yet 6. I got to sub again for HFTB as Justin is getting married so it was Julien, myself, and Ed to meet Ken, Randy, and Dan at The Olde Ship.

I threw ok even though I haven't thrown in a while and the pain med I tookl helped me relax a bit.

Dan Rigby subbed for the other team and after his fourth dart fell out of the board and we giggled a little bit, he almost started a fight with Julien. I got a kick out of it as he really showed his maturity. I want to also say that his was the only darts to fall out of the board, maybe it isn't the board Dan, could it be you, naaaaaaa.

The Honor roll had Ed with a 3x2, Ken with a 3x2, Randy with a 3x2, and Dan with a 4x2 & 3x2.
