Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday Darts, Week 2 (1-26-12)

Final Score: Da Geeks 1, AWHFY? 6. Ken, Randy, and Jeff showed up at Centerfield Sports Bar & Grill and had fun whooping us.

Marvin was very strong his first game by thrid dart tripping through 18's and back on at 15's. The second game he had the lead with 2 numbers closed but then Ken came back and with one throw, closed the 2 open numbers Marv had open and getting a trip on the third dart to control the game. The last game Marv got it to 3 bulls for each to win when he came an hit 2 single bulls then finished the game the next turn.

Greg got to experience a good player who likes bulls at the beginning and gave a good effort. Team game I mentioned to him that he could get a dangly with a Ton-80, he threw a T20, 18, T20, nice.

Jeff made a comment last meeting last season about "I had his number" and I think he was waiting for revenge. He whupped me the first game, the second game I gave him the game by not being able to close the bulls. I did feel better than Tuesday night, but I think I had leftovers from my cold.

The Honor Roll had Jeff with a 3x2.

Code: MGB5000000

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