Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday Darts, Week 8

Final Score: Geek & Son 5, The Pitchers 2. Joel and Kevin showed up and got shocked by us! We played a lot of games because all the games are best 2 out of 3 and we ended up in a 1-1 tie a LOT tonight, forcing game 3.

We won a night and doing it 5-2 ain't bad. Greg was AWESOME! He was consistent and got the Winston Churchill saying " Never surrender, never give up" by coming back in his 301 game from 37 left for the other team and he forgot where the double was located. He finally remembered and lo and behold he won! He said he really enjoyed himself and can't wait until next week. He loves his darts and is still getting used to them, but watch out, he is rapidly improving.

I threw fairly well by taking out my 501 against Kevin with a round about 85, 45-18-22. In the last team 301 game, we had to get on so I missed, DB, 20. All were impressed. I think I took out that game also.

The honor roll had me with a Ton-114 and Greg with a 3x2. Joel had a Ton-25 and a 3x2.

Code: GB5465306

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