Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday Darts, Week 12

Final Score: Da Geeks 2, Down & Outers 5. Bob and Scott showed up to a very packed Olde Ship due to it being pub trivia night. Oh yeah, Jeremy was there to take up space and suck all the air out of the room.

WE SUCK! that's it, bottom line, we suck. Bob demolished me and I never really recovered. Scott almost lost against Marv, but he is such an arse hole that he did get lucky win. I threw massive amounts of 20's score and a dang 2, not good at all. I did get a little better once the night wore on.

The Honor Roll had Marv with a Ton-20. Bob had a Round of Nine's with a 18-17-16. Scott got lucky again and got a Ton-10.

Code: BM0200063

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