Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday Darts, Week 13 (4-10-12)

Final Score: Geek & Son 5, The Point Players 5. Vicki and Cindi are a lot of fun to shoot against and we had fun at The Dolphin Lounge.

My game was a little off last night and I lost my singles matches against the girls!!! Yes I lost against Vicki!!! OMG!!!! I did go 3 games but WTF??? I lost against the girls!!!! Yes I know Vicki was just shooting at the bulls but scoring an average of 50 points a throw, but I lost!!

Greg was Mr. Bull last night as this video shows:

What can I say but "Super Happy Dart Time!"

The Honor Roll had Greg with a Ton-20 and a 3x32. I had a 3x2 also.

Code: BG2326666

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