Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday Darts, Week 10

Final Score: Da Geeks 5, Ship Faced 2. The Ship Faced team has changed. It was Scott, Kim, and Ruben, a good player from Wednesday league.

We all shot well and Scott is still a ____ (fill in the blank).

There is a new cook in Scott's kitchen and his name is Rodman. Rodman took Scott in his singles match and it was a good thing. I like Scott, Mr. Balk, but I like it better when he loses.

I may give Scott a hard time and verbally and physically abuse him, but I still love the guy. He is one of the better players to throw against, or throw up upon, all depends in your mood.

Marvin and Kim had a point fest in one of their matches. Marv had 365 points to Kim's 280+. Nice to see PMW Kim get his own medicine.

Ruben is tough. I won the first leg of our singles but then he caught a case of PMW (point mongering whore for those not in the know) and really stomped me the next two games.

Our team game was bad. We had a problem getting off throwing in the 20's, not good. We did get it down to 88 with their 8, but they prevailed.

The Honor Roll had Mr. Bull-buster Rodman with a 4x2 and a 3x2. Ruben had a 3x2.

Code: RMB6641110

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