Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Darts, Week 1 (Fall Season 2011 8/25/11)

Final Score; Da Geeks 2, Bud Guys 5. Don, Ernie, and Marc showed up staggered and late but it was expected of them.

The rust has reared it's ugly head and all 3 of us showed signs of it. We tried but the Bud Guys can hit some good darts when it is needed, or not needed to put us farther behind.

I did improve during the two double games I was in, but faltered in the '01 game while Marc hit a Ton-40 then a Ton-60 a couple of turns later.

The Honor Roll had Rodman with a 4x3 and Don with a 3x2.

Code: BRM0001010

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday Darts, Week 1 (Fall Season 2011) 08/23/11

Welcome back readers! This upcoming season is 15 weeks long with a break for Thanksgiving, Just a F.Y.I. Oh well time to blog...

Final Score: Geek & Son 3, Asscott & Kimwitt came to @TheOldeShip at very staggered times. Scott came early and Kim kept on calling saying he was running late during Greg and Scott's match. On well, that is Kim.

I do think that the little pratice Greg & I put in seemed to help as we were on fire, mine didn't start until my second game. I also sacrificed three to the cork in order to please the dart gods when I needed to double on. It worked my next turn and I thanked them.

Greg showed patience and some good darts. He finally took out a marathon "X" match and that set the tone.

I got my act together but it took me a while. My first cricket game was all circles until the X on17.

Greg and I need to continue work on our doubles. I shared this link with Greg and we discussed this and I gave it a try. Bob's 27 .

The Honor Roll had both Greg and I with a 3X2 each. Scott snuck one in for him later.

I again want to say sorry to Scott for my oops during my chalking.

Code: GB5320005